Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How our Memory Wokrks?

Trough the film watched in class focused on memory and its main functions I personally learned in a deeper and a more profound method the importance memory plays in our daily life. Memory not only allows us to remember but contributes to creation of a sense of self. Remembering is a simple task we all do without truly realizing but little do we know this simple task influences ALL aspects of our life and personality. Memory truly shapes who we are and our identity. A clear example of his is how unconsciously your brain interacts with your physical environment and stores experiences that later make up your mind and thoughts. Trough connections and reactions your brain cells respond record and then create new memories. Memories not only allow us to recall our past but give us the ability to speak and understand a language and most importantly give us a sense of character and a truly unique personality. A clear example of this is Childhood Amnesia, which refers to how adults can’t remember clearly memories from when they were three or six because their memories have been modified trough experience and little bits of the original memories have been lost. Another example of how memory shapes identity is the example shown in the video trough John’s lifestyle, which explains how trough premature births the memory circuit, can be damaged causing the individual to adopt amnesia. Amnesia enables the human body to remember the past, create new experiences and imagine a future. It is not until something is lost its true value is appreciated and that is exactly what occurs with memory. The human race functions daily depending and based on their ability to remember and retain information.

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