Turnbull was born in London and became an outstanding student focused on philosophy, politics and music. As he ended his studies he decided to join the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. This reserve focused on Indian religion and philospohy in India. After his ingression to the Reserve Colin worked with an expert in Pygmy tribes and became very intrested in African tribes. He then took a motorcyle trip and focused his interest in the Pygmies. Colin visited Africa and the Pygmies a total of six times, he studied their religion, language and native music. After his acquired experience with African tribes Colin created several documentaries and work focused on African tribes especially the Pygmies. During one of his visits Colin fell in love with Joe Towels, a poor african man. They moved together to New York and started an open gay relationship. After Joe's death from AIDS Turnbull decided to experience life as a Buddhists munk to reach inner peace after obesrving the rituals of several African tribes. Turnbull finally died of pneumonia but troughout his life African roots, traditions and tribes were always present in his books, daily actvities and most of all his legendary work and research.