Perception can be refered as the process in which our mind identifies, organizes and interprates senosry impressions and images and then gives them a meaning according to our surroundings. That is why we all have our own idea of the "real" world. Internal factors such as our personality and mood influence our perception. A clear examples can be our eyes and how we receive colors and how we interpret them and may like or dislike them. A colorblind may find a painting or sketch completely different that a completely heallthy person. Another example can be our habits I personally like to do homework watching T.V, while someone else might find that completely distracting. This habits makes me a multitasking individual. Knowledge can also become an internal factor due to the fact that our acquired knowedge becomes part of our daily activities. A person who knows about the columbian exchange and slavery can relate the present demography of Mexico with the past. Perception is not only affected by our inside mind and our mood but our surroundings and our roots. These are the experiences that will influence your perception. The religion we all learned and truly believe and follow affect our view of the world even how we should dress and what we should eat. Muslim religion demonstartes this very cleary,muslim women should dress strictly conservative and being able to see their legs or arms is perceived as an insult. This is completely different from a jewish or catholic view of women. Another external factor can be your friends. Friends even though unaware play a humongous role in what you like to do, hang out and even wear. For example my best friend loves going to the gym and she would make me go with her even though I hated exercising, I soon started to enjoy going to the gym and it is now part of my daily routine. Our perception of the world is influenced by many things that can be divided into external and internal factors.
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