In a society so violent, overwhelming, modern and full of turn moil, the phrase perception is reality is completely true. As we grow up and become developed human beings determined and 100% sure of what we want and what our goals and expectations in life are our point of view or perception becomes our reality. The majority of our life time we experience and live in this constant struggle and fight to achieve our goals and pursuit our dreams. This struggle we live in daily becomes our lifestyle in which we experience and even learn from our previous mistakes. It is due to this amazing journey, childhood background and fulfilling experiences that we develop unique opinions on EVERYTHING. We don´t only develop unique opinions but tastes, choices and even images of life. This perception or point of view comes from a certain lived experience or a peculiar memory that has shaped up how we think and that way of thinking has become so important in our life its is now part of our reality.
A great example is Fransesca, one of my best friends. As a small girl Fransesca loved eating seafood until she got food poisoned in a seafood restaurant and ended up being hospitalized and was about to experience death. This traumatizing experience has led her to hate or strongly dislike seafood she cant even tolerate the smell and she strongly believes seafood contributes to the cruel death of millions of anaimals and is harmful for the human health. Fransesca´s cruel experience with seafod has led her to believe seafood is not beneficial and actually harms the human health this point of view has become her reality because she now has a completely different diet plan. The truth is your perception on various things in life is so strong it unconsciously becomes part of your reality and your way of life.
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